Maths Class Registration

Welcome to our cutting-edge online science education platform, revolutionizing the way students across India experience learning. We pride ourselves on offering a comprehensive science curriculum designed to meet national standards. Our platform boasts a team of experienced and qualified instructors who deliver engaging virtual classes, ensuring a deep understanding of scientific concepts.

Membership Benefits

  • Comprehensive Maths Curriculum.
  • Experienced and Qualified Instructors.
  • Interactive Learning Environment.
  • Flexibility and Accessibility.
  • Regular Assessments and Feedback.

Membership Types

Tier 1: Maths classes for 3 months subscription plan

Price: 3600

Tier 2: Maths classes for 5 months subscription plan


Tier 3: Maths classes for 10 months subscription plan

Price: 11600

Maths Jyoti

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